
Dr Willoughby and his associates seek to offer consultancy and psychological expertise to the legal system in adherence to the Woolf Reforms. We provide experienced effective negotiation and mediation services. Detailed psychological reports, supported by relevant and validated psychometric instruments together with appropriate references to contemporary scientific literature, can be promptly provided. Dr Willoughby supports solicitors, barristers and others within the legal profession seeking informal and preliminary advice, and offers this latter facility free of charge.

For those clients who require psychological help, we can recommend a range of evidence-based therapies provided by associates within the NHS and private practice. Dr Willoughby concentrates on providing expert psychological reports for use in court proceedings, particularly in civil law and personal injury cases. These reports strive to assess client’s levels of psychological functioning in the context of their pre-morbid personality.

Such analyses are further supported by relevant psychometrics and normative data, together with pertinent reference to the scientific literature. Reports are clear, concise and jargon free wherever possible. As an adjunct to this work, Dr Willoughby has experience in giving expert testimony in a range of courts.


Sample report Click here to download a pdf version sample report

www.willoughby.ie | 0044 (0)1303 259145